Bill Callahan - The Holy Grail: Bill Callahan’s "Smog" Dec. 10, 2001 Peel Session
Bill Callahan - The Holy Grail: Bill Callahan’s "Smog" Dec. 10, 2001 Peel Session
December 2001, Maida Vale: Bill Callahan’s “Smog” perform with demonstrative zeal for their British witness at the BBC, shimmering and hissing with a Lynchian vibe of U.S. darkness in the invariable shadows of the fallen towers. Callahan & band (Jessica Billey, Mike Saenz and Jim White) cover Stevie Nicks, Lou Reed and Smog with grey, ashen resolve and tour-torn flexibility, amassing a bruised, plaintive essence of humanity with their efforts.
Released 11/22/24 on Drag City. Available here on vinyl.